With that, every time the unit defeats an enemy, they get a +2 bonus to their Strength with a maximum of ten, till the end of the chapter. And the last skill the Vanguard can learn is Strengthtaker. In a nutshell, the first strike following the skill's activation will restore HP equal to the damage done to the enemy, followed by the enemy's Defense being halved on the second attack. One, preforming a two hit combo with Sol on the first hit and Luna on the second. Equipping Aether is basically 2 skills in Having Veterans Intuition boosts his avoid by 15, making him even harder to hit. With Heavy Blade, you Raise his already massive Strength by 3 at the cost of -1 Speed. Capable of wielding Swords and Axes, the Vanguard class is very bulky, having high HP, Strength, Skill, Speed and Defense, with the only notable weakness being low Resistance. Being the Ike Amiibo's class, you are able to make other units into this class through the Vanguard Dawn DLC. Coming in at #5 we have the Vanguard Class. One of the next entries on this list are DLC. Some of my all time favorite classes are DLC classes, which is why I limited myself to 5. The Master Ninja is a unit that should never be taken lightly. They also possess "Hidden bonuses" to Hit Rate, Crit, and Avoid. They also learn Shurikenfaire which adds 5 Damage whenever a shuriken is equipped. The potency of this effect is countered by the lowest activation rate of any attacking skill. When promoted they learn Lethality, which will instantly deplete the enemy's health, regardless of the normal battle damage calculations. In the Realm of skills, the Master Ninja has already learned Locktouch before promotion, allowing them to open locked doors and chests without having a key. They are dangerous units in combat, especially when up against spellcasters and slow opponents. They are the only class able to S-Rank Shurikens, and thus are the only class able to wield the powerful Chakram.

The Master Ninja is a promotion of the Ninja class, and is capable of wielding Shurikens and Swords.

But If you don't have enough in the budget for a ninjutsu training montage, you can always use a Master Seal. Being a ninja isn't something you get overnight, and it almost always requires dedication, practice, and honor. If there's one thing that I consider to be 100% pure awesome, it's definitely Dragons, but Ninja are a close second.