I didn’t think he was as addicted as everyone saw him to be because after a while it was normal to me. I thought that he loved me and that everything would change. This took me such a long time to believe.

They are their only priority YOU will never be the priority. The drug addict never realizes what they have and what they will lose. Here are some things to expect when dating an addict: They will never love you they are in love with themselves and the drugs their body yearns for I will not sit here and say the things we did were ok but many of the things I did were because of how others treated me (mainly him). I wish I could say the same about him but everyone has their reasons as to why they do certain things. Thankfully, I do not have an addictive personality and the few times hard drugs were in my system I never craved them again. If I have to tell the truth it was fun for a very short amount of time. I went from being a scholar student to snorting lines of cocaine off bathroom sinks in bars and then illegally driving down the 401. To tell you all the truth, he really did ruin a good portion of my life. I feel nothing because of him I’m so empty on the inside and I constantly crave danger or dangerous situations.
I love my addiction how to#
One specific person put a burden on me, and to be perfectly honest I don’t know how to get rid of his presence in my life.

I met individuals who completely changed my life for the better and individuals who completely destroyed it. It all started when I was entering high school.

Over the last six years, I have intentionally slapped myself in the face to say the least with a relationship that was doomed for failure from the very beginning. I wish I could say love was the only drug in my past relationships.