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Interlanguage, variability, markedness, English fricatives, phonology The Variability in Phonology of Indonesian Learner’s Interlanguage: A case study on English marked-fricatives

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Ifan Iskandar, Sri Sumarni, Ratna Dewanti, Muhammad Nur Ashar Asnur Infusing Digital Literacy in Authentic Academic Digital Practices of English Language Teaching at Universitiesĭigital Literacy, Cross-Curricular Competencies, Authentic Academic Digital Practices, Digital Academic Products, English Language Teaching, Course Outlines, and Learning Outcomes : Dynamic Usage-Based (DUB) approach, authentic input, videos or movies, EFL teaching Movies as an authentic input in L2 speaking class: A Dynamic Usage-Based approach in EFL teaching in Indonesia International Journal of Language Education Murni Mahmud, Salasiah Ammade, Abdul Halim, Fatimah Hidayahni Amin Social media, Facebook, Instagram, Online Learning, English Language Teaching Students’ Voices of the Use of Facebook and Instagram in Teaching English in the University Context Studies in English Language and Education Vishin Nair Chandran, Intan Safinas Mohd Ariff Albakri, Siti Shuhaida Shukor, Noriah Ismail, Mohd Haniff Mohd Tahir, Mazlin Mohamed Mokhtar, Noraini Zulkepli Malaysian English language novice teachers’ challenges and support during initial years of teachingĬhallenges, English language, mentoring, novice teachers, support The Teacher's Problems in Implementing Curriculum 2013 at State Senior High School 3 of West HalmaheraĬurriculum 2013, English teaching and learning, teaching problem, curriculum implementation The Effect of Debate Technique to Students’ Speaking AbilityĮnglish Debate, British Parliamentary Style, Teaching Speaking, Speaking Ability Homophone game, pronunciation, English testing Using Homophone Game to Improve Students' Pronunciation at Junior High School 5 of Tidore Archipelago Teachers' perception, environment conduciveness, English learning outcomes, school conducivenessĪnalyzing Communication Strategies used by Junior High School English Teachers in Teaching and Learning Process at the First Grade of SMP Negeri 7 TernateĬommunication Strategies, English Teacher, Teaching and Learning Process World englishes, cultural content, english coursebookĪn Analysis towards Teachers’ Perception on their Schools’ Conduciveness to English Language Learners’ Success at SMA Negeri 3 Kota Ternate Grammar translation, direct method, audio-lingual method, teaching methods, comparison The Grammar Translation Method, The Direct Method, and The Audio-Lingual Method

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The Communicative Language Teaching and Students’ Vocabulary Memorizing ImprovementĬLT, vocabulary, memorizing, vocabulary memorizing, advantages and disadvantages of CLT, difficulties in teaching vocabulary Skill, grammar translation method, GMT, skill improving, teaching method, langua journal

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Increasing English Translation Skill through Grammar Translation Method at the Fifth Semester Students of English Education Program at STKIP Kie Raha Ternate Poetry, classroom presentation, teaching poetry, improvement

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Teaching English Poetry in EFL Classroom through Classroom Presentation Nurul Fitriyanti Thalib Abas, Z Zainurrahman

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The effect of direct method to students’ speaking skill, how to use direct method in teaching speaking, methods in teaching speaking, recent studies on direct method Is the Direct Method still Effective in Teaching English Speaking Skills in Indonesia? Teacher certification, English grammar, ex-post facto research design, quantitative research method The Influence of English Teacher Certification and Non-Certification towards the Students’ Understanding on English Grammar at SMAN 4 Halmahera Barat and at SMAN 3 Kota Ternate Langua: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Education The Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in English Subject at SMA Negeri in Ternate

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